Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fuel from landfill

As the search for new energy source and alternative ways to power the world`s energy needs increases, more have been said toward diverting attention from the conventional sources of energy – crude oil and coal in a bit to reduce over reliance on these conventional thereby reducing the quantity of greenhouse gas emission. Energy from hydro, wind, solar is known to many but little has been known about energy from landfills. Energy from landfills have remained unknown to many and are produced on a daily basis either consciously or unconsciously through the refuses, wastes, garbage from our homes, offices, schools and factories etc. hulled away by trucks to specially designed structures called Landfill for disposal.
Methane gas which is known to be a principal constituent of greenhouse gas is also the major gas from landfills and if captured and processed could contribute to our daily energy needs in addition to a clean environment as the emission of methane has been reduced.

Landfill is a specifically engineered structure built into the top of the ground where trash is deposited and isolated from the surrounding environment. This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and a daily covering of soil. The purpose of a landfill is to bury the trash in such a way that it will not be in contact with air where trash will not decompose much.
Municipal solid waste, contain significant portion of organic matter/materials that produce variety of gaseous product when dumped, compacted and covered in landfill. Aerobic bacterial thrives in the oxygen free environment, resulting in the decomposition of organic materials and production of primarily carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide is likely to leach out of the landfill because it is soluble in water. Methane, on the other hand, which is less soluble in water and lighter than air, is likely to migrate out of the landfill. Landfill gas energy facilities capture the methane (the principal component of natural gas and combust it for energy). Landfill gas is produced from the natural breakdown of waste deposited in a landfill and is considered a renewable source of methane since it comes from decaying garbage. Making energy from landfill trash is better than letting the gas go to waste.

The preparation of the incoming waste stream includes chopping up the garbage and removing metals, glass and sand, which leaves about two third of the waste to be processed and refined into fuel and electricity. Landfill gas is collected from landfills by drilling into the landfills, and collecting the gases through pipes. Once the landfill gas is processed to remove moisture and particulate matters, it can be combined with natural gas to fuel conventional combustion turbines or used to fuel small combustion or combined cycle turbines.

Domestic and industrial waste provides an opportunity to generate renewable gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. Landfill gases have been of important benefits as it contributes it increase energy security, fewer emissions resulting to a cleaner environment. The recovery and use of methane gas from landfill can significantly reduce the overall emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as methane gas is a principal constituent of greenhouse gas.
When next you think of an alternative source of energy, start from within as our daily activities can give rise to other energy sources.
Source: Waste360

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